News & Events

Seminar Series archive


Spring 2024

Fall 2023


Spring 2023

Fall 2022


Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021 and earlier

January 29, 2021

Guy Genin, Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Washington University in St. Louis

The mechanobiology of failed tendon-bone reattachment surgeries, and the role of Fuzhong and Marcus's amazing synthetic biology technologies in fixing them

February 5, 2021

Bryce Sadtler, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Washington University in St. Louis  

Nanoscale Imaging of Catalytic Activity in Semiconductor Nanostructure Using Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy

February 12, 2021

Axel Kleidon, Professor
Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena Germany

Understanding the Earth from a thermodynamic systems perspective

February 19, 2021

Steven Cossley, Associate Professor
Department of Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering
University of Oklahoma

Fuels and Chemicals from Renewable and Waste Feedstocks: Identifying Catalyst Active Sites in Complicated Environments 

February 26, 2021 Patricia Holden, Professor
Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
University of California, Santa Barbara
Director, Natural Reserve System

Environmental Quality Research in Times of Great Change
March 5, 2021

Damena Agonafer, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Washington University in St. Louis

Exploring the Fundamental Limits of Evaporative Cooling

March 12, 2021

Mark Brynildsen, AssociateProfessor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Princeton University

Addressing antibiotic resistance by understanding how antibiotics fail and searching for alternative treatments

March 19, 2021

Mark Mimee, Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology
Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Synthetic Biology Approaches to Understand and Engineer the Gut Microbiota

March 26, 2021

Peiying Hong, Associate Professor
Division of Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering

Understanding and mitigating emerging microbe-associated threats in our wastewater

April 2, 2021

Daniel Amador-Noguez, Associate Professor
Department of Bacteriology
University of Wisconsin-Madison

In vivo thermodynamic analysis of metabolic networks

April 9, 2021

Sunny Jiang, Professor and Chair
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Irvine

Viruses in wastewater: from SARS-CoV2 surveillance to pathogen removal credits for watewater reuse

April 16, 2021

Yiguang Ju, the Robert Porter Patterson Professor, and Director of Sustainability Energy
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University

Engineering design of high nickel cathode materials for high energy capacity and high thermal stability EV applications

April 23, 2021

Katherine Peter, Research Chemist & National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Charleston SC

Evaluating Stormwater Impacts on Chemical Habitat Quality in Urban Watersheds

April 30, 2021

Pratim Biswas, Dean of Engineering
University of Miami

The Wonder World of Aerosol Science and Technology


May 1, 2020 Dr. Peng Bai


Peng Bai, Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis

Effective Scientific Communications

Effective speaking is in general very important for our daily life and professional advancement. Presenting complicated scientific ideas in an effective manner in letter-style papers and conference presentations is even more challenging. In this Zoom seminar, Dr. Bai will hold a discussion on how to implement the basic principles and share his unique experience.


[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Apr 24, 2020 Habif Health & Wellness Center

Dr. Kristin Miserocchi, PhD, Staff Psychologist
Jordan Worthington, Assistant Director, Mental Health Outreach & Programs

Dr. Miserocchi & Jordan Worthington will present on Stress and Anxiety


[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Apr 17, 2020 CASE Research Group
CASE ​Panel Discussion

How are aerosol researchers helping tackle the COVID-19 pandemic ?

A Panel Discussion of CASE Faculty

  • What is the SARS-COV-2 Virus and how is airborne spread studied ? – Pratim Biswas
  • Models to predict spread of the coronavirus in populations - Rajan Chakrabarty
  • Guidance to front line health care physicians on masks – Rich Axelbaum
  • Facemask Filter Testing in the Laboratory – Brent Williams
  • Potential Antiviral Drugs for Treatment of COVID-19 - Pratim Biswas and Rajan Chakrabarty

    Question and Answer



[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Apr 10, 2020 Paul Boulos

Fireside Chat with Dr. Paul Boulos, Serial Entrepreneur and EECE Advisory Board Member
and Chairman, Pratim Biswas

What does it take to become an entrepreneur ?


[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Apr 3, 2020 EECE PhD Program in the Days of COVID-19

​Moderated by Dr. Vijay Ramani

[Host: Dr. Ramani]
Mar 27, 2020 Dr. Pratim Biswas

​What does (can) a PhD student do after graduation?
Panel discussion moderated by Pratim Biswas


Dishant Khatri (Industry)
Clayton Kacica (Postdoc)
Eugene Kim (Teaching)
Claire Fortenberry (Government Research)
Shri Subramanian (Academia)

[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Mar 6, 2020 Dr. Muthanna Al-Dahhan

Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla

[Host: Dr. Ramani]
Feb 28, 2020 Dr. Nancy Xu

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Old Dominion University

[Host: Dr. Tang]
Feb 21, 2020 ​​Dr. Zhongyue Yang

​Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

[Host: Dr. Tang]
Feb 14, 2020 Dr. Joshua Vermaas

Computational Scientist
Oak Ridge National Lab

[Host: Dr. Tang]
Feb 10, 2020 Dr. Akbari Amir

​Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Bioengineering

University of California, San Diego

[Host: Dr. Tang]
Feb 7, 2020 ​Dr. Peng Xu

Assistant Professor
​Department of Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
University of Maryland

[Host: Dr. Tang]
Feb 3, 2020 ​​Dr. Sutapa Barua

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla



[Host: Dr. Tang]
Jan 31, 2020 Dr. Yi Wang

​Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems Engineering
Auburn University

[Host: Dr. Tang]
Jan 24, 2020 Dr. Burak Okumus


[Host: Dr. Tang]
Jan 17, 2020 Bob Heider

​Adjunct Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis

[Host: Dr. Biswas]



Dec 6, 2019 Dr. Nicholas Thornburg


Much ado about (almost) nothing: understanding mesoscale reaction-diffusion phenomena governing lignin extraction from hardwood biomass for next-generation biorefining


[Host: Dr. Foston]
Nov 22, 2019 Arden Pope, PhD

Mary Lou Fulton Professor
Department of Economics
Brighman Young University

Air Pollution and Health: Top Ten Scientific and Public Policy Controversies


[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Nov 15, 2019 Dr. Sinan Keten

​Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Northwestern University

Hierarchical Design of Nanoparticle Assemblies Inspired from Biomechanical Functions

[Host: Dr. Zhang]
Nov 8, 2019 Center for Aerosol Science and Engineering (CASE) Distinguished Lecture

Dr. Tony Wexler
​Distinguished Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, Davis

Air Pollution Toxicology: My Struggle for Realistic Exposures

[Host: Dr. Wang]
Nov 1, 2019 Dr. Ting Lu

​Associate Professor
Department of BioEngineering
University of Illinois

Bottom-up Assembly of Microbial Communities: Modeling, Analysis and Engineering

[Host: Dr. Foston]
Oct 28, 2019 MONDAY, October 28th, 1:30pm

Dr. Amin Salehi-Kohjin
​Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Illinois, Chicago

Current and Future Energy Conversion and Storage Systems: Challenges and Opportunities


[Host: Dr. Foston]
Oct 25, 2019 Whitaker Hall, Room 100

Dr. Raymond Shaw, Professor
Department of Physics
Michigan Technical University

How turbulence influences cloud optical properties and precipitation: Laboratory studies of turbulent moist Rayleigh-Benard convection

[Host: Dr. Wang]
Oct 21, 2019 MONDAY, Oct. 21st, 11:30AM - RODIN Auditorium

Diane McKnight, Professor
​AEESP Distinguished Lecturer
Civil, and Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado, Boulder

Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind: Acid Mine Drainage and Climate Change in the Rocky Mountains


[Host: Dr. Giammar]
Oct 18, 2019 Dr. Wei Liao

Anaerobic Digestion Research and Education Center, Director
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Michigan State University

Food Energy-Water Nexus Solutions towards Global Sustainability



[Host: Dr. Tang]
Oct 11, 2019 Dr. Bryan Michael Wong

Nanoscale and Mesoscale Energy Materials Group
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Riverside

Energy-Transfer Mechanisms in Complex Chemical Systems: A Real-Time Dynamics Perspective

[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Oct 4, 2019 Dr. Ming Xu

​Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Michigan

Computational Approaches to Address Data Gaps in Life Cycle Assessment

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Sep 27, 2019 Dr. Rajan Chakrabarty

​Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis

Non-Equilibrium Aerosol Dynamics across Length Scales: Addressing a Few Contemporary Challenges

[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Sep 20, 2019 Dr. Leanne Gilbertson

​Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Pittsburgh

Designing Nanomaterials, Sustainably

[Host: Dr. Giammar]
Sep 13, 2019 Dr. Elijah Thimsen

​Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis

Beyond Equilibrium in Low Temperature Plasma Processes

[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Sep 6, 2019 Protocols and Lab Safety Training

​Megan Flake, McKelvey Engineering Laboratory Safety & Protocol Manager
Washington University in St. Louis

[Host: Dr. Foston]
Aug 30, 2019 Dr. Rohan Mishra

​Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Washington University in St. Louis

Designing stable perovskites for energy applications one atom at a time

[Host: Dr. Marcus Foston]
Aug 23, 2019 EECE New PhD Orientation - Friday, August 23, 2019
Aug 23, 2019 Dr. Marcus Foston

​Associate Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis

EECE Graduate Students: How to Navigate your 1st Year


Aug 22, 2019 EECE New PhD Orientation - Thursday, August 22, 2019
Aug 21, 2019 EECE New PhD Orientation - Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Aug 20, 2019 EECE New PhD Orientation - Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Aug 19, 2019 EECE New PhD Orientation - Monday, August 19, 2019
Apr 26, 2019 Dr. Rebecca Fushimi

​​Rebecca Fushimi, Research Scientist
Department of Biological & Chemical Processing
Idaho National Laboratory
Understanding Catalytic Reactions with Transient Kinetic Experiments

[Host: Dr. Gleaves]
Apr 23, 2019 Dr. Christopher Voigt

Department of Biological Engineering

[Host: Dr. Moon]
Apr 19, 2019 Dr. ​Chunsheng Wang

Robert Franklin and Frances Riggs Wright Distinguished Chair Professor
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
University of Maryland

Safe Electrolytes for Li-ion Batteries


[Host: Dr. Peng Bai]
Apr 12, 2019 Dr. John Seinfeld

Louis E. Nohl Professor of Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology
Secondary Organic Aerosol


>> View all Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering Seminars


[Host: Pratim Biswas]
Apr 5, 2019 Dr. Radisav Vidic

Professor and Chair
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Swanson School of Engineering
University of Pittsburgh
Membrane distillation for treatment of high salinity wastewaters: Fundamentals and applications

[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Mar 29, 2019 Dr. ​Linda Broadbelt

​Sarah Rebecca Roland Professor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Northwestern University

The Confluence of Kinetic Modeling and Data Science

[Host: Dr. Foston]
Mar 22, 2019 Dr. Alan Stone

Johns Hopkins Univeristy
Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering
Beyond the usual suspects: Why we should care about hydroxy acids and keto acids within natural organic matter, and phosphorus (III)- containing oxyanions used in agriculture

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Mar 8, 2019 ​Dr. Mark J. Rood

2018 AAEES Kappe Lecturer
Ivan Racheff Professor of Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Optical Remote Sensing of Particulate Matter to Quantify Plume Opacity and Mass Emission Factors

[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Mar 1, 2019 Dr. Neel Joshi

​Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Harvard University
Biologically fabricated materials from engineered microbes

[Host: Dr. Zhang]
Feb 22, 2019 Dr. Cresten Mansfeldt

​Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Environmental Chemistry
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology (Eawag)
Manipulating and modeling the activated sludge microbial community to clarify the fate of trace organic contaminants

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Feb 11, 2019 Dr. Kyle Moor

​Postdoctoral Fellow
​Institute of Biogeochemistry & Pollutant
Department of Environmental Systems Science
ETH Zurich
Light-based materials and aquatic environmental processes towards sustainable water treatment

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Feb 8, 2019 Dr. Xinhua Liang

​Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology​
Nanostructured Catalysts Prepared by Atomic/Molecular Layer Deposition

[Host: Dr. Foston]
Feb 4, 2019 John Trimmer

PhD Candidate
Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Resource Recovery from Sanitation to Amplify Development: Navigating Global & Local Possibilities

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Feb 1, 2019 Dr. Jason He

Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Virginia Tech
"NEW" Resource Recovery from Wastewater through Technological Advancement

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Jan 28, 2019 Dr. William Rhoads

Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Virginia Tech
Controlling Opportunistic Pathogen Growth in Building Plumbing

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Jan 25, 2019 Dr. ​​Danmeng Shuai

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
The George Washington University
Advanced Material for Water-Energy-Health Nexus

[Host: Dr. Jun]
Jan 18, 2019 Dr. Baikun Li

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Connecticut
Next Generation Real Time In situ Sensing and High-resolution Profiling towards Intelligent Water Infrastructure

[Host: Dr. Jun]




January 19 Jordan Kern, Research Assistant Professor
Institute for the Environment
University of North Carolina
Addressing Complex, Emergent Risks in 21st Century Natural-Engineering Systems
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
January 26 Will Heinson, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Non-Equilibrium Particle Dynamics in Environmental Systems
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

January 29
Rodin Auditorium
Green Hall

Amir Farimani, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Chemistry
Stanford University
Deep Learning Transport Phenomena and Material Discovery
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
February 2 Randall Martin, Professor
Dept. of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University
Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group, Director
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Research Associate
Advances in Satellite Remote Sensing, Modeling, and Ground-based Measurements to Understand Atmospheric Aerosols Worldwide
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
February 5
11:30 a.m.
Rodin Auditorium
Green Hall

Qing Shao, Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
North Carolina State University
Molecular Understanding and Design of Materials for Biological Applications
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

February 9
Laura Fierce, Assistant Atmospheric Scientist
Environmental & Climate Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Particle-based methods for advancing the representation of atmospheric aerosol
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
February 16 Fangqiong Ling, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bacterial communities as biosensors in water infrastructure
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

February 23

Hang Deng, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Geochemical Alteration of Fractures in the Subsurface Environment: A Pore- and Core-Scale Perspective
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

March 2

Lynn R. Mazzoleni, Associate Professor
Atmospheric Science Program
Michigan Technological University
Investigating Complex Mixtures using Ultrahigh Resolution Orbitrap Elite Mass Spectrometry: The Molecular Composition of Wildland Fire Aerosol
[Host: Dr. Chakrabarty]

March 9 Lynn Hildemann, Professor
Stanford University
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Personal Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants - Are you to blame, or is it the building's fault?
[Host: Dr. Chakrabarty]
March 16 Lingchong You, Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University
Quantifying and Controlling Bacterial Community Dynamics
[Host: Dr. Zhang]
March 23 Erik Rosenfeldt, Director
Hazen & Sawyer, Inc.
Impacts of Anthropogenic EDCs and the Role of Reuse and Conservation on the Quality of the Potomac River
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
March 30 George Richards, Senior Fellow
Energy Conversion Engineering, DOE
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Electrifying Issues: present and future technology
[Host: Dr. Axelbaum]
April 6 Mark J. Kushner, Professor
Director, Michigan Institute for Plasma Science & Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
University of Michigan
Controlling Plasma-surface Interactions for Liquid, Biological and Environmental Systems
[Host: Dr. Thimsen]
April 13

Dionisios Vlachos, Chair & Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Delaware
Renewable Chemicals and Fuels: From First Principles to Chemical Manufacturing
[Host: Dr. Foston]

April 20 - 3:00pm
Ryckman Lecture
and Reception
Michael R. Hoffmann, Professor
Division of Engineering & Applied Science
California Institute of Technology
Electrochemical Oxygen & Chlorine Production: Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity Using Atomic Layer Deposition
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
April 27

ChE 478A, Process & Product Design
Class Presentations
[Host: Dr. Moon]

May 4

Sudhir Brahmbhatt, President
Technology Services, Inc.
Carbon capture from the power plants for attractive ROI
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

Sep 7, 2018 Mitch Burger

​Health & Safety Professional
Environmental Health & Safety
EH&S Laboratory Safety Training
• Required for all EECE PhD and MS students

Sep 14, 2018 Mark Mba-Wright

Associate Professor
Bioeconomy Institute
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University
Evaluating a strategy for the valorization of biorefinery lignin streams

[Host: Dr. Foston]
Sep 21, 2018 Paula T. Hammond, PhD

David H. Koch Chair, Professor of Engineering
Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

​Functionalizable Polypeptides and Polymeric siRNA Smart Delivery

[Host: Pratim Biswas]
Sep 26, 2018 EECE Career Day 2018

[Host: Rebecca Spear]
Sep 28, 2018 Treavor Boyer, PhD

​School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Program Chair, Environmental Engineering
Arizona State University

[Host: Dr. Dudukovic]
Oct 5, 2018 Marcus Foston

​Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis

Unlocking the Secrets of Biomass Utilization


[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Oct 12, 2018 Stephen Jaffe

​Distinguished Scientific Advisor

Composition Based Modeling


[Host: Dr. Dudukovic]
Oct 19, 2018 Ian Wheeldon

​Associate Professor
Director, Center for Industrial Biotechnology
Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
University of California, Riverside

Exploiting native high flux metabolic pathways for chemical biosynthesis


[Host: Dr. Tang]
Oct 26, 2018 Kimberly Gray

Northwestern University
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Unexpected Interactions of Photoactive Nanomaterial Mixtures in Environmental Media

[Host: Dr. Giammar]
Nov 2, 2018 David B. Graves

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of California, Berkeley

Mechanisms of Plasma Biology

[Host: Dr. Thimsen]
Nov 9, 2018 Christopher Richard So

​Materials Research Scientist
Chemistry Division
United States Naval Research Laboratory

Sticking like Barnacles: Unraveling and Mimicking a Natural Adhesive

[Host: Dr. Zhang]
Nov 16, 2018 Monica Shokeen

​Assistant Professor
School of Medicine, Dept. of Radiology
Washington University in St. Louis

Multiscale Imaging of Multiple Myeloma Pathogenesis

[Host: Dr. Biswas]
Nov 30, 2018 Ray Arvidson, PhD

​James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor
Washington University in St. Louis​

Exploring Mars and searching for signs of early life


[Host: Rajan Chakrabarty]
Dec 7, 2018 Michael Gordon, PhD

​Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara

Microplasma jet spray deposition of nanostructured materials


Location: Whitaker Auditorium, Whitaker Hall , Room 100


[Host: Dr. Thimsen]


January 20 Faculty Candidate Seminar
January 27 Ramesh Raliya, Research Scientist
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Nanoscale chemical engineering for sustainable agriculture and environment
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
February 3 Faculty Candidate Seminar
February 10

Faculty Candidate Seminar

February 17 Faculty Candidate Seminar
February 24 Faculty Candidate Seminar
March 3 Iryna Zenyuk, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Tufts University
Transport Processes in Energy Conversion and Storage Devices: X-ray computed Tomography Study
[Host: Dr. Ramani]
March 10 John Thompson, Director
Fossil Transition Project, Clean Air Task Force
Challenges and Pathways to Large-Scale CCS Deployment
[Host: Dr. Axelbaum]
March 17

Nga Lee (Sally) Ng, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Chemical characterization and water solubility of organic aerosols in the southeastern United States
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

March 24 Becca Gilberg, Alternative Transportation Coordinator
Washington University
Alternative Commuting Options During East End Construction and Beyond
March 31 Steve Schwartz, Senior Scientist
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Can Global Temperature Rise be Limited to 2 Degrees? The Cold Turkey Experiment
[Host: Dr. Chakrabarty]
April 7 James Dumesic, Professor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Catalytic Conversion of Biomass to Fuels and Chemicals
[Host: Dr. Foston]
April 14 Robert Brown, Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University
Thermal Deconstruction of Lignocellulosic Biomass
[Host: Dr. Foston]
April 21
Earth Day
AEESP Distinguished Lecturer
Meny Elimelech, Professor
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Yale University
High-Performance Membranes for Energy-Efficient Desalination and Wastewater Reuse
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
April 28

EECE402, ChE Capstone
Class Presentations
[Host: Dr. Moon]

May 5 Helen Nguyen, Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Univeristy of Illinois at urbana-Champaign
Drinking Water Biofilm: Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Pathogen Release
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
August 25 Open House / Undergraduate Orientation
September 1

Graduate Student Orientation
• EECE Faculty Introductions

Department Welcome Luncheon (Noon)
• All EECE Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Staff and Faculty

September 8 EH&S Laboratory Safety Training
Lamont Jones, Health & Safety Professional
• All EECE PhD, MS students & faculty

September 15

Jost Wendt, Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Utah
Ash aerosol partitioning and ash deposition mechanisms during coal and biomass combustion
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
September 19
Whitaker Auditorium
• Opportunity to connect with local and national employers
- Information Session, 12:00pm, Whitaker 100
- Employer Meetings, 12:30pm, Brauer Atrium

Professional attire is recommended. Register here.
September 22 Tae Seok Moon, Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Systems and synthetic biology: constructing programmable cells
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
September 29 Renato Feres, Professor
Department of Mathematics
Washington University in St. Louis
Mathematical Problems of Diffusion-Reaction Systems
[Host: Dr. Yablonsky]
October 6 Jose-Luis Jimenez, Professor
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Colorado
Constraining Organic Aerosol Sources and Properties from the Lab to the Global Atmosphere
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

October 13

Dacheng Ren, Professor
Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering
Syracuse University
Rational design of surface topography to control bacterial biofilm formation
[Host: Dr. Ramani]

October 14 - 17 Fall Break

October 20

Hector Garcia-Martin, Director
Quantitative Metabolic Modeling
Joint BioEnergy Institute
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Mathematical modeling of -omics data for biofuel production through synthetic biology
[Host: Dr. Tang]

October 27
ROOM 100

Rudy Husar, Retired Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
History of Atmospheric Aerosol Science at WUStL, 1930 - 2000
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 3

Dr. C.Y. Wu, Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
University of Florida
A Super-Efficient Sampler for Viable Virus Aerosols using Water-based Condensation Particle Growth
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
November 10 Dr. Daniel Cziczo, Associate Professor
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Better Understanding Climate and Atmospheric Chemistry by Understanding the Formation of Mixed Phase Clouds
[Host: Dr. Chakrabarty]
November 17

Brent H. Shanks, Professor
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Iowa State University
Bioprivileged Molecules: A strategy for Next Chemical Products
[Host: Dr. Foston]

November 27

Jian Wang, Scientist
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Understanding aerosols under natural conditions for better assessment of climate change
[Host: Dr. Chakrabarty]

December 1

Tiina Reponen, Professor
Department of Environmental Health
University of Cincinnati
Indoor Bioaerosols - from Sources to Exposure
[Host: Dr. Biswas]


Jan. 8
Zachary Ulissi, Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Stanford University
Designing Nanoscale Interfacial Selectivity in Carbon nanotube Based Sensors and Reactive Catalyst Surfaces
Host: Dan Giammar
Jan. 22 Joan Brennecke, Professor
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Designing Ionic Liquids for CO2 Capture
Host: Pratim Biswas
Jan. 29 Chris Boyce, Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Princeton University
Tomographic Imaging and Computational Modeling of Fluid-Particle Flow Systems
Host: Dan Giammar
Feb. 1
Shrayesh Patel, Postdoctoral Fellow
Materials Research Laboratory
University of California, Santa Barbara
Connecting Charge Transport with Structural Order in Semiconducting Polymers for Transistor and Thermoelectric Applications
Host: Dan Giammar
Feb. 5

Zheng Chen, Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Stanford University
Material Design for Better Energy Storage: From Nanostructures to Functional Polymers
Host: Dan Giammar

Feb. 8
Vijay Ramani, Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Advanced Materials and Diagnostics for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
Host: Dan Giammar

Kimberly Parker, Graduate Research Fellow
Department of Environmental Engineering & Science
Stanford University
Contribution of Seawater-Specific Photochemical Reactions to the Environmental Degradation of Algal Toxins and Biomolecules
Host: Dan Giammar

Feb. 19

Kelsey Hatzell, Postdoctoral Fellow
Energy Technologies
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Conducting (flowable) suspension electrodes for water and energy applications
Host: Dan Giammar

Feb. 26

Xing Xie, Postdoctoral Fellow
Linde & Robinson Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Novel Materials and Devices for Sustainable Water and Energy
Host: Dan Giammar

March 4 Yi Jiang, Graduate Research Fellow
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Crumpled Graphen Oxide: Aerosol Synthesis and Environmental Applications
Host: Pratim Biswas
March 11 Peter Smirniotis, Professor
Department of Biomedical, Chemical & Environmental Engineering
University of Cincinnati
Modified Ferrites as Catalysts for High Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction in Membrane Reactors
Host: Pratim Biswas
March 18 Spring Break
March 25 Gregg Beckham
National Bioenergy Center
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Breaking down plant cell walls: A few short stories in improving biofuels production processes
Host: Marcus Foston
April 1

Dr. Ian Bourg, Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Princeton University
Mineralogical controls on shale properties and low-carbon energy uses
Host: Dan Giammar

April 8

Mike Jewett, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Northwestern University
Repurposing the translation apparatus for synthetic biology
Host: Fuzhong Zhang

April 15



Jonathan Galazka
Space Biosciences Division
NASA Ames Research Center
Host: Fuzhong Zhang
April 22 Joshua Yuan, Associate Professor
Systems Biology and Bioenergy
Texas A&M University
Host: Marcus Foston
April 29

ChE 478A, Process & Product Design
Class Presentations
Host: Tae Sook Moon

August 26 Open House / Undergraduate Orientation
September 2

Brauer Lobby / 2nd floor

Graduate Student Orientation
• EECE Faculty Introductions

Department Welcome Luncheon
• All EECE Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Staff and Faculty

September 9 EH&S Safety Training
• All EECE PhD, MS students & faculty

September 16

Fuzhong Zhang, Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Synthetic Biology for the Production of Structurally Defined Chemicals and Materials
Host: Dr. Biswas]

September 21
EECE Career Fair
September 30 Mohan Sankaran, Professor
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
Bottom-up, Plasma-based Approaches to nanomaterials Synthesis
[Host: Dr. Thimsen]
October 7

Vilas Pol, Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Sustainable Energy Storing Materials
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

October 15
Emerson Auditorium,
Knight Hall


IITB - Washington University Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Dr. Greg Hyslop, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President of Engineering
Boeing and India: Partners in Innovation

October 21

George Huber, Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
The Challenges and Opportunities of Designing Pioneer Catalytic Technologies for Production of Sustainable Fules and Chemicals from Biomass
[Host: Dr. Foston]

October 28

Norman Scott, Professor Emeritus
Department of Environmental Engineering
Cornell University
The Impetus, Progress and Trends for Nanotechnologies in Agriculture, Food and Environmental Systems
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 4

Michelle Bell, Professor
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Yale University
Climate Change and Human Health: Reflections on Research and Remaining Challenges
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 11

Nicholas Thornburg, PhD Candidate
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Northwestern University
Understanding Group IV, V metal oxide catalysts for alkene and thioether oxidations with H2O2 through well-defined grafting and active site titration
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 18
Ryckman Lecture
Reception to Follow

Chaitan Khosla, Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Stanford University
Assembly Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide Antibiotics
[Host: Dr. Zhang]

November 25

Thanksgiving Break

December 2

Dr. Bosoon Park, PhD
Avian Disease & Oncology Laboratory
Nanobiosensing for Foodborne Pathogens and Toxins Detection
[Host: Dr. Jun]

December 9

EECE Holiday Potluck Luncheon


February 26
Mindlin Lecture

Gregory Wilson, Mindlin Lecturer
National Center for Photovoltaics, Director
The Next 10 Years of Solar Energy Research
February 27

Petros Koutrakis, Professor
Harvard University
The impact of climate change on outdoor and indoor air quality
Host: Dr. Biswas

March 6 Suresh Tiwari, Professor
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Assessment of carbonaceous aerosol over northern India and its impact on regional climate
Host: Dr. Chakrabarty
March 13 Spring Break
March 20 Jiaxing Huang, Associate Professor
Northwestern University
Pencils, Paper and Movie Discs: Curious Minds and Material Discoveries
Host: Dr. Biswas
March 27 Jennifer Reed, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Engineering Microbial Metabolism: A Systems Approach
Host: Dr. Tang
April 3

Chris Sorensen, Professor
Kansas State University
Dense, Hot Aerosols: Science and Applications
Host: Drs. Biswas & Chakrabarty

April 10

Brian Ellis, Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Michigan
Alteration of Caprock Fracture Geometries During Flow of CO2-acidified Brine
Host: Dr. Giammar

April 17
Ryckman Lecture /


Michael McGuire, PhD, PE, Owner
Michael McGuire, Inc.
The Chlorine Revolution: The Importance of Chlorination, 1908 (Typhoid Fever) to 2014 (Naegleria fowleri)
Host: Dr. Giammar
April 24
Whitaker Hall Auditorium
Michael Fogler, Associate Professor
Department of Physics
University of California, San Diego
Hopping transport in disordered nanowires, ribbons, and films
Host: Dr. Thimsen
May 1
Whittaker 100, Auditorium
Jack Colford, Professor
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Approaches to impact evaluations of engineering interventions designed to improve health
Host: Dr. Biswas
August 21 Open House / Undergraduate Orientation
August 28 Graduate Student Orientation
• EECE Faculty Introductions

September 1
Brauer Commons

Department Welcome and Reception
• All EECE Undergraduate & Graduate Students, Staff & Faculty
September 4 EH&S Safety Training
• All EECE PhD, MS students & faculty

September 11

Nicole Riemer, Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Particle-resolved modeling to quantify aerosol mixing state impacts on climate"
[Host: Dr. Williams]

September 17
Thursday, Noon
Whitaker Auditorium
• Opportunity to connect with local and national employers
- Information Session, 12:00pm, Whitaker 100
- Employer Meetings, 12:30pm, Brauer Atrium

Professional attire is recommended. To register, stop by Brauer Hall, room 1015.

September 18
Mamadou Diallo, Professor
KAIST, Korea
Visiting Professor, Environmental Science and Engineering, Caltech
Nanoporous Membranes with insitu Synthesized Polymeric Particles: Preparation, Characterization and Applications to Water Purification and Resource Recovery
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
September 25 Brent Williams, Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Aerosol Joe? The life and death of vagabond particles as told by Aerosol Forensics specialist, Dr. Brent Williams
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
October 2 Lorenzo Mangolini, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
University of California, Riverside
Non-thermal plasma synthesis of nanopowders
[Host: Dr. Thimsen]

October 9

David Harris, Research Director
Low Emissions Technologies Project
CSIRO, Australia
CSIRO Energy Research: Renewables and Fossil Fuels Technologies Working Together in a Transforming Energy System
[Host: Dr. Axelbaum]

October 16

John Fortner, Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Multifunctional Nanoscale Material Platforms for Advanced Environmental Applications
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

October 23
Kappe Lecture Series

Jay Banner, Director, Kappe Lecturer
Environmental Science Institute
University of Texas at Austin
Past, Present, and Future Climate Change Impacts on Water in a Semi-Arid Region: Science and Policy
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
October 30 Shirish Shimpi, Director
Cummins, Inc.
Challenges of Diesel Engine Emissions Measurement and Testing over the Years
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 6

Brian P. Chaplin, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Illinois, Chicago
Development, Synthesis, and Application of Novel Reactive Electrochemical Membranes for Water Treatment Applications
[Host: Dr. Jun]
November 13 Emre Toker, Managing Director
Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Washington University in St. Louis
The Science of Entrepreneurship
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 20
Ryckman Lecture
Reception to follow

Chung K. Law, Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University
Advancing Combustion as a Transdisciplinary Thermal Science
[Host: Dr. Axelbaum]

November 27

Thanksgiving Break

December 4 Dr. Y.S. Mayya, Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
IIT Bombay
Number survival fraction of ultrafine particles emitted from strong sources
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
December 4

EECE Holiday Potluck Luncheon


Jan. 10

Kelley Barsanti, Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Portland State University
Strategically Moving Beyond Overly Simplistic Organic Aerosol Models to Improve Air Quality and Climate Projections

Jan. 17

Mark Swihart, Professor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
State University of New York, Buffalo
Aerosol Synthesis and Potential Applications of Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticles
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

Jan. 24

Richard Moore, Postdoctoral Fellow
Aerosols, Clouds, and Climate
[Host: Dr. Williams]

Jan. 31

Adam Boies, Assistant Professor
Division of Energy, Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
Aerosol Technology: From Energy Impact Assessment to Energy Solutions
[Host: Dr. Williams]

Feb. 10
11:30 a.m.

Ying Li, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Aerosol Synthesis of Novel 3D Materials for Solar Fuel Production and Electrical Energy Storage
[Host: Dr. Williams]

Feb. 14

Jill Craven, Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology
Exploration of Atmospheric Aerosol from the Molecular to Regional Scale
[Host: Dr. Williams]

Feb. 17
11:30 a.m.

Carlos Larriba-Andaluz, Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Minnesota
Nanoparticle and cluster analysis through Ion
Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (IMS-MS)

[Host: Dr. Williams]

Feb. 21

Mark A. Barteau, Director
Energy Institute
University of Michigan
Catalyst Design Strategies for Chemicals and Fuels
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

Feb. 24
11:30 a.m.

Elijah Thimsen, Research Associate
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Minnesota
Towards low temperature synthesis of dense Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films
[Host: Dr. Williams]

Feb. 28

George Biskos, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Technical University of Delft
Aerosol Nanoparticles: Understanding their Role in the Atmosphere and their Potential Use in Gas Sensors
[Host: Dr. Williams]

March 7

Rajan Chakrabarty, Assistant Research Professor
Laboratory for Aerosol Science, Spectroscopy, and Optics
Desert Research Institute
Microphysical Characteristics of Combustion Aerosols: Significance for Climate Forcing and Enabling Engineering Applications
[Host: Dr. Williams]

March 14 Spring Break
March 21
January Hall
Room 110

Stephan Kraemer, Professor
Department of Environmental Geosciences
University of Vienna
Biogeochemical Aspects of High Affinity Nutrient Acquisition Involving Metallophores
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

March 28

Nick Nissing, Adjunct Instructor
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Invention, Innovation, and Intellectual Property: Perspectives on a ChE Career from the Road Less Traveled
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

April 4

Vivek Shah, PhD Student Research Award Winner
"Molecular self-assembly in an aerosolized droplet"
Bert Berla, PhD Student Research Award Winner
"Upregulation of plasmid genes during stationary phase in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 and potential use of these plasmids for biofuel engineering"
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

April 11
Ryckman Lecture
Earth Day Events

L. S. Fan, Professor
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Ohio State University
Chemical Looping Technology - A Particle Technology Perspective
Host: Dr. Biswas

April 18

Sumitava De, PhD Student Research Award Winner
Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Modeling and Simulation of Lithium-ion Battery
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

April 25

Tae Seok Moon
- ChE 478A
Process & Product Design Class Presentations

Aug. 21

Master of Engineering (MEng) student information session

Aug. 22

Department Open House / Undergraduate Orientation

Aug. 25

Graduate Student Orientation
• EECE Faculty Introductions

Aug. 29

EH&S Safety Training

Sept. 5

Li Li, Professor
Energy & Mineral Engineering Department
Penn State University
"When water meets rock: controls of spatial heterogeneities across scales"
[Host Dr. Jun]

Sept. 9

Department Welcome and Reception
• All EECE Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Staff & Faculty

Sept. 12

Charles Stanier, Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
University of Iowa
"Aerosol and Air Pollution Studies in the Midwestern United States"
[Host: Dr. Turner]

Sept. 17

• Opportunity to connect with local and national employers
- Information session, 11:45am, Brauer 12
- Employer meetings, 12:30pm Brauer Atrium

Professional attire is recommended. Registration required. To register, stop by Brauer Hall, room 1015.

Sept. 19

Cynthia Lo, Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
"Designing metal oxide catalysts with controlled structure, composition, and electronic properties for carbon dioxide hydrogenation to methanol"

Sept. 26

Yinjie Tang, Assistant Professor
Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
"13C-metabolism analysis of microbial cell factories: a touch of revelation"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

Oct. 3

Helen Hsu-Kim, Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Duke University
"Disposal of Coal Ash Wastes: New Considerations for Assessing Environmental Risks"
[Host: Dr. Jun]

Oct. 10

Jason C. Hicks, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering
University of Notre Dame
"Synthetic Routes to Tune Catalyst Selectivities for Biomass Deoxygenation Reactions"
[Host: Dr. Foston]

Oct. 19

McDonnell Academy Global Challenges Symposium (MAGEEP Workshops).

Oct. 24

Jeffrey W. Bullard, PhD
Materials and Construction Research Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
"Particle Morphology and Reactions Kinetics in Suspensions"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

Nov. 7

Greg Lowry, Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
"Building (not so) complex environmental fate models for engineered nanomaterials"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

Nov. 14

Sean Garner, Corning Science and Technology Center
"Ultra-Slim Flexible Glass for Optical and Electronic Applications"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

Nov. 21

Gregory Yablonsky, Professor
Department of Chemistry
St. Louis University
"A Brief History of Time in Chemistry"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

Nov. 28

Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 5

Alan West, Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Columbia University
"Electrochemical Energy Storage: Chemicals and/or Batteries"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]


January 25

David H. West, Corporate Fellow
SABIC, Corporate Technology and Innovation Center
"Chaos in a Turbulent Jet-Stirred Reactor under Excitation"
[Host: Mike Dudukovic]

February 1

Sagar Mitra, Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
"Lithium-ion Battery: Advances in New Anode and Cathode Materials"
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]

February 8

Christopher J. Hogan, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
"Monte Carlo based Determination of Arbitrary Shaped Particle Steady State Charge Distributions and Unipolar Charging Rates"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

February 15

Jason Baxter, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Drexel University
"Designing and Probing Photovoltaic Materials: Nanostructured Solar Cells, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, and Graded Thin Films"
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]

February 22

Dr. Bryce Nelson & Dr. Shashi Jasty
Sigma Aldrich Corporation
Innovation at Aldrich Materials Science
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

March 1

April Gu, Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University
Factors and Mechanisms that Impact the Performance and Stability of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process
[Host: Dr. Fortner]

March 4
2:00pm - 6:00pm

Technion University - Washington University
A Workshop on Clean Energy Research & Education
Presentations by faculty from both universities.

March 8

Gordon Selling, Plant Polymer Research Unit
Improved Spandex and Corn Protein Fibers
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

March 15

Spring Break

March 22

Yandi Hu, Graduate Student
Dept. of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
[Host: Dr. Jun]

March 29

Kai Loon Chen, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Interactions of Carbon Nanotubes with Environmental Surfaces and Model Cell Membranes
[Host: Dr. Jun]

April 5

Mitch Anstey, Senior Member, Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratories
Redox Flow Batteries: Development of the Next Generation of Energy-Dense Electrolytes
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]

April 12
Whitaker Hall

Paul A. Kohl, Thomas L. Gossage Chair & Regents' Professor
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
New Electrolytes for Energy Storage, Conversion, and Recycling
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]

April 19
Ryckman Lecture and

Lisa Alvarez-Cohen, Fred and Clair Sauer Professor and Chair
Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
From Individuals to Community: A Molecular-Based Systems Approach to Understanding Bioremediation
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

April 26

Charles Carpenter - ChE 478A
Process & Product Design Class Presentations

May 3

Dr. Yuxuan Wang, Associate Professor
Center for Earth System Science and Institute of Global Change Studies, Tsinghua University
PM2.5 pollution over China: Understanding the roles of anthropogenic emissions, meteorology, and chemistry
[Host: Dr. Jun]

August 30 Graduate Student Orientation
• EECE Faculty Introductions
September 6 EH&S Safety Training
• All EECE PhD, MS students, & Faculty
Sept 10
Department Welcome and Reception
• All EECE Undergraduate & Graduate Students, Staff & Faculty
September 13

Ramon Gonzalez, Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Rice University
"Realizing the promise of engineered metabolism for fuel and chemical production"
[Host: Dr. Tang]

September 20

Geoff Bothun, Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Rhode Island
"Lessons from Nature: Analogies Between Protein and Nanoparticle Interactions with Lipid Membranes"
[Host: Dr. Fortner]

September 21

18th Annual Mid-American Environmental Engineering Conference Keynote Presentation
Dr. George Tchobanoglous, Prof. Emeritus
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of California, Davis
"Wastewater Treatment Trends"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

September 27

Amy Pruden, Associate Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Virginia Tech
"Water Infrastructure Choices and their Microbiological Consequences: Antibiotic Resistance and Opportunistic Pathogens"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

October 4

Paige Novak, Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Minnesota
"Unraveling organochlorine-respirers and organochlorine respiration"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

October 11

Hal Alper, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
Directed evolution strategies for cellular and metabolic engineering
[Host: Dr. Zhang]

October 18 Fall Break
October 25

Brian Hoelscher, Executive Director & CEO,
Jonathon Sprague, Director of Operations, and
Rich Unverferth, Director of Engineering
Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
MSD, Executing a Consent Decree
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 1

Carsten Sievers, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Georgia Tech
Spectroscopic Studies on the Surface Chemistry of Biomass-Derived Oxgenates
[Host: Dr. Foston]

November 8

Marc Edwards, Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Virginia Tech
The Washington D.C. Lead Crisis and Its Aftermath
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

November 15

John Dueber, Assistant Professor
Department of Bioengineering
University of California, Berkeley
Strategies for Controlling and Improving Flux through Engineered Metabolic Pathways
[Host: Dr. Moon]

November 22

Mariesa Crow, Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Energy Storage Performance Characterization for Microgrid Applications
[Host: Dr. Subramanian

November 29 Thanksgiving Break
December 6

Michael Zachariah, Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
University of Maryland

Probing Fast High Temperature Transformation in Nanoparticles for Energy Applications
[Host: Dr. Biswas]


January 9
Whitaker 100

Dr. Amy Karlsson
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Cornell University
Improving Nature's Design: Engineering Peptides and Proteins for Enhanced Fitness and Function
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

January 13
Whitaker 100

Dr. Marcus Foston
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
Affordable Ethanol: Unlocking the secrets of the Plant Cell Wall
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

January 17
Brauer Hall, 12

Dr. Tae-Seok Moon
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biological Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Construction of Synthetic Circuits by Harnessing Orthogonal Genetic Parts
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

January 18
Wilson Hall, 214

Dr. Pamela Peralta-Yahya
Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

January 27

Dr. Zengyi Shao
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Illinois, Urbana
Enabling Biosynthesis of High-value Compounds through Synthetic Biology
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

February 2

Dr. Yousong Ding
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology
Discovering and Engineering Biosynthetic Pathways for the
Production of Specialty and Commodity Chemicals
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

February 3

Dr. Renato Camata
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Laser and Aerosol Processes in the Synthesis of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

February 7

Dr. Mark Blenner
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology
Harvard University
Molecular Recognition and Conformational Regulation in Protein Switches and Sensors
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

February 10

Dr. Fuzhong Zhang
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
Developing Chemical Biology and Synthetic Biology Tools for Biological Studies and Chemical Production
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

February 24

Dr. Christopher Frey
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
North Carolina State University
Real-World Vehicle Emissions and In-Vehicle Exposure to Air Pollutants
[Host: Dr. Turner]

March 2

Dr. Susanne Hering
Aerosol Dynamics, Inc.
Enabling Atmospheric Particle Measurement through Condensational Growth
[Host: Dr. Williams]

March 9


Dr. Mark Verbrugge
Director, Chemical Sciences & Materials Systems Lab
General Motors Research & Development
Global Energy Challenges and Electrified Vehicles
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]

March 16

Spring Break

March 23

Dr. John Morgan
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Mathematical Modeling of Metabolism in Photosynthetic Organisms
View Seminar Here
[Host: Dr. Tang]

March 30
Brown Hall,
room 118

Dr. Lee Rosen
Director, R&D, Praxair
Examples of Oxyfuel Combustion Research, Development and Commercialization at Praxair, Inc.
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

April 6

Dr. Ron Larson
GG Brown Professor of Chemical Engineering
University of Michigan
From Rheology to Biology: The application of polymer hydrodynamics to problems in biology
[Host: Dr. Lo]

April 13

Dr. David Sholl
Tennenbaum Family Chair and GRA Eminent Scholar in Energy Sustainability
Georgia Institute of Technology
Finding a needle in a haystack: Selecting nanoporous materials via screening of thousands of structures for large-scale energy applications
[Host: Dr. Lo]

April 20


Dr. Peter McMurry
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Minnesota
New Measurements of Clusters and Nanoparticles: Implications for Atmospheric Nucleation and Growth Models
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

April 27

Charles Carpenter - ChE 478A
Process & Product Design Class Presentations


January 21 Deborah Singer Howard, Interim Director of Sustainability
Washington University in St. Louis
Green Lab Initiative
[Host: Dr. P. Biswas]
January 28 Dr. Megan L. Robertson, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
University of Houston
"Microstructured Polymers: Fundamental Studies and Applications in Renewable Materials"
[Host: Dr. J. Turner]

February 4

Dr. Christopher Snow, Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology
"Bespoke Computational Models for Macromolecular Structure Prediction and Design"
[Host: Dr. Y. Tang & Dr. R. Pappu]
February 11 Dr. Ajikumar Parayil, Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"A balancing act: How optimizing long metabolic pathways unlocks biopharmaceuticals, biochemicals and biofuels production"
Hosts: Dr. Y. Tang & Dr. R. Pappu]
February 18 Dr. Sergey Grinshpun, Professor, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati
Recent Advances in Aerosol Research at the University of Cincinnati
[Host: Dr. P. Biswas]
February 25 Dr. Bryan Boudouris, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley
Designing Semiconducting Block Copolymers for Advanced Energy Applications
[Host: Dr. V. Subramanian]
March 4 Dr. Don L. Sparks, Professor & Chair, University of Delaware
Time-Resolved Metal(loid) Reactivity at Biogeochemical Interfaces
[Host: Dr. Young-Shin Jun]
March 11

Dr. Anna Leavey, Postdoctoral Fellow, Drexel University
Insights into the variables controlling human exposure to ultrafine particle concentrations in urban affinity zones
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

March 18 Spring Break
March 25 Dr. Vijay Ramani, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Multi-functional Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion
[Host: Dr. Venkat Subramanian]

Ryckman Lecture
Thursday, March 31
Whitaker Hall, room 100

Dr. Linda Abriola, Dean, Tufts University
Subsurface Transport of Nanomaterials: Environmental Threat or Opportunity?
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
April 8 Dr. Jan Lerou, Principal, Jan Lerou Consulting, LLC
Alternative Feedstocks in Chemical Manufacturing -- An Engineering Perspective
[Host: Dr. Milorad Dudukovic]
April 15 Dr. Patrick Mills, Professor & Chair, Department of Chemical and Natural Gas Engineering
Texas A&M
Creating New Microstructured Polymer Materials Using Novel Multiphase Flow Processes
[Host: Dr. Milorad Dudukovic]

Earthday Seminar
April 22

Dr. Kent D. Syverud, Professor and Dean
Washington University School of Law
Lessons of the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill Trust
April 29

Charles Carpenter - ChE 478A, Process & Product Design Class Presentations

August 26 Graduate Student Orientation
• EECE Faculty Introductions

September 1
Brauer Commons
(2nd Floor)

Department Welcome and Reception
• All EECE Undergraduate & Graduate Students, Staff & Faculty
September 2 Dr. Prasad Modak, World Bank, India Consultant
Executive President, EMC, India
Common Environmental Infrastructure – Technology Challenges, Research Needs, Institutional and Business Models
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
September 9
AEESP Lecture
Dr. Dick Luthy, AEESP Distinguished Lecturer
Stanford University
Re-Inventing Urban Water Infrastructure
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
September 16 Will Fischer, Sustainability Coordinator
Washington University
Green Labs Kickoff
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
September 23 Dr. Trung Van Nguyen, Professor, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
University of Kansas
Water Management in Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel Cell by Materials Engineering and Design
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]
September 30

Dr. Dipanjan Pan, School of Medicine
Washington University in St. Louis
Emerging Opportunities in Nanomedicine: Importance of Nanomaterial Synthesis
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

October 7
AAEE Kappe Lecturer

Dr. James Patterson, Patterson Environmental Consultants, Inc.
American Academy of Environmental Engineerings Kappe Lecturer
Control of Industrial Metals: Conventional and Advanced Technologies
[Host: Dr. Giammar]

October 14

Dr. Connie Senior, Senior Scientist
ADA Environmental Solutions
Selenium Behavior and Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

October 26
Brauer Hall
Room 12
Dr. William Nazaroff, Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Environments
October 28

Dr. Sharon Walker, Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Riverside
Fate and Transport of Nanomaterials in Aquatic Environments
[Host: Dr. Fortner]

November 4

Dr. Jaehong Kim, Professor, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Converting Visible Light to UVC: Lanthanide Upconversion Phosphors for Light-Activated Biocidal Surface Development
[Host: Dr. Fortner]

November 11

Dr. Steve Bryant, Professor
University of Texas, Austin
Buoyancy of Geosequestered CO2: Flaw or Feature for Large-Scale Storage?
[Host: Dr. Jun]

November 18 Dr. Qingyun Sun, Associate Director
US-China Energy Center, West Virginia University
"U.S. - China Clean Coal Collaboration at West Virginia University"
November 25

Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2 Venkat Ramadesigan, PhD Student, EECE, Winner of the Graduate Student Research Award
Washington University
Modeling Capacity Fade of Lithium-Ion Batteries - Challenges in Identifying and Quantifying Possible Mechanisms
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]


Xueyang Feng, PhD Student, EECE, Winner of the Graduate Student Research Award
Washington University
Development of High Performance Fluxomics Tools for Microbial Metabolism Analysis
[Host: Dr. Tang]


January 22 Mr. Manish Kumar; University of Illinois, Champaign
"Bioinspired Membranes for Energy and Environmental Applications"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
January 25
Lopata Hall, 101
Dr. Hyung-Sool Lee; Arizona State University
"Biological Hydrogen Production from Biomass Using Microbial Electrolysis Cell: Fundamentals and Possible Applications"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
January 29 Dr. Kevin Finneran; University of Illinois
"Biological and Abiotic Reactions with Iron and Extracellular Electron Shuttles that Promote Hexahydro- 1.3.5-triazine (RDX) Degradation"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
February 1
Lopata Hall, 101
Dr. Mary Laura Lind; University of California, Los Angeles
"Nanocomposite Materials for Environmental Applications"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
February 5 Dr. He Dong Jang, Principal Researcher, KIGAM
"Synthesis of Silica Nanoparticles by Flame Aerosol Process"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
February 12 Dr. John D. Fortner; Rice University
"Environmental Implications and Applications of Engineered Nanomaterials: Fullerene and Magnetite Case Studies"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
February 15
Lopata Hall, 101
Dr. Safak Yilmaz; University of Wisconsin
"Development of Thermodynamic Models for the Optimization of Modern Hybridization Techniques Used in Microbial Ecological Analyses"
[Host: Dr. Giammar]
February 19

Cynthia Hudson, Subject and Instruction Librarian - Engineering
Washington University Library
"Beyond Google: Real Research in the Library"

February 26 Mr. Donifan Barahona, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Unraveling Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions"
[Host: Dr. D. Chen]
March 5 Dr. Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University
"Electrochemical Fabrication of Iron-Group nanostructured Alloys for Energy Applications"
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]
March 12 Spring Break
March 19 Dr. Peter DeCarlo, Postdoctoral Researcher, Paul Scherrer Institute
"Field and laboratory investigations of the sources and processing of organic aerosol"
[Host: Dr. Chen]
March 26 Dr. Brent J. Williams, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota
"The Role of Atmospheric Organic Matter in Biogeochemical Cycles"
[Host: Dr. Chen]
April 2 Dr. Satashi Takahama, University of California, San Diego
"Chemical heterogeneties in carbonaceous atmospheric particles observed by spectromicroscopy and their implications for water uptake"
[Host: Dr. D. Chen]
April 13
Ryckman Lecture
Dr. Kirk R. Smith, Professor of Global Environmental Health
Chair, Environmental Health Sciences
University of California, Berkeley
"Global health, climate, and ecosystem impacts from incomplete combustion in cookstoves: Recent revelations"
April 16

Charles Carpenter - ChE 478A, Process & Product Design Class Presentations
"Manufacture of a Monoclonal Antibody"

April 23

Dr. Paul Bishop, NSF Environmental Engineering Director
"The Water-Energy Nexus and NSF Research"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
April 26
Lopata Hall, room 101

Dr. Berthold Breman, Research Manager, Sasol Technology Netherlands
"Sasol's Fischer Tropsch technology for GTL and CTL applications"

May 7

Dr. Daniel Jacob, Harvard University
"Atmospheric aerosols in the United States: observation from space, interactions with climate" (.PDF)
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

September 7
Tuesday, 11am
EECE Graduate Student Welcome and Orientation
September 10 Dr. Huimin Zhao, Professor, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Microbial Synthesis of Drugs and Fuels via Synthetic Biology
[Host: Dr. Tang]

September 17
Whitaker, 100

Dr. Venkat Subramanian, Associate Professor
Dept. of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
"Efficient Numberical Simulation of Lithium-ion Battery Models to facilitate Optimization, Estimation and Design"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]

October 1 - 5

Symposium 2010
McDonnell International Scholars Academy
3rd International Symposium on Energy & Environment

October 8 Dr. Faye McNeill, Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Columbia University
"Atmospheric Aerosols: Chemistry, Clouds, and Climate"
[Host: Dr. Biswas]
October 15 Fall Break - No Classes
October 22 Dr. Lorenz Biegler, Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
"Optimal Synthesis of Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes for CO2 Capture"
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]
October 29 Dr. Shelley Minteer, Department of Chemistry
St. Louis University
"Mitochondrial Bioelectrocatalysis"
[Host: Dr. Subramanian]
November 5 Dr. Chen Zhu, Dept. of Geological Sciences & School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Indiana University
"Kinetics of CO2-water-rock reactions in geological carbon sequestration"
[Host: Dr. Jun]
November 12

Dr. William R. Knocke, PhD, PE
Associate Vice President for Research Programs & W.C. English Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Virginia Tech
"Working Towards an Improved Understanding of Manganese Control in Drinking Water"
[Host: Dr. D. Giammar]

November 19 Dr. Yi Tang, Associate Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
"Production of a Blockbuster Drug Using Biocatalysts"
[Host: Dr. Y. Tang]
November 26 Thanksgiving Holiday
December 10

Dr. Suljo Linic, Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan
"Nano-scale solutions in catalysis and photo-catalysis"
[Host: Dr. Lo]

December 17

Final Exams



Lauren Greenlee, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas
"Inland Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination: Concentrate Treatment to Precipitate Salts and Reduce Waste Volume"
Host: Dr. Giammar

Shalom Goldberg, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania
"Exploring and Engineering Bacterial Signaling"
Host: Dr. Giammar

David Nielsen, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Improving Butanol Fermentations through Metabolic and Bioprocess Engineering Perspectives"
Host: Dr. Giammar

Mary Jo Kirisits, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental, University of Texas at Austin
"Perchlorate-Reducing Gene Targets for Biological Treatment Applications"
Host: Dr. Giammar

Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
"Occurrence and Behavior of Prions in the Environment"
Host: Dr. Giammar

Sally Benson, Ex. Dir., Global Climate & Energy Project, Energy Resources & Engineering Department, Stanford University
"Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in Deep Geological Formations: Prospects and Priorities in 2009"
Host: Dr. Jun

Aaron Packman, Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University
"Interplay of pore structure, colloid deposition, and pore fluid flow"
Host: Dr. Giammar

Michael S. Wong, Associate Professor, Rice University
"Engineering Palladium-coated Gold Nanoparticles for the Catalytic Cleansing of Water"
Host: Dr. Sureshkumar

Greg Carmichael, University of Iowa
"Atmospheric Brown Clouds and Their Impact on Air Quality and Climate Change"
Host: Dr. Dudukovic

Harvey Checkoway, Professor, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
"The Health Hazards and Possible Benefits of Environmental Endotoxin Exposure"
Host: Dr. R. Chen

Tony Fane, AEESP Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia
"The Energy Challenge for Membrane Technology in the Water Industry"
Host: Dr. Giammar

David Kriebel, Professor, University of Massachusetts at Lowell
"Cancer Prevention through a Precautionary Approach to Environmental Chemicals"
Host: Dr. Ruth Chen

Ka-Yiu San, Professor, Professor, Dept. of Bioengineering, Rice University
"Manipulation of Reducing Equivalents Through Metabolic Engineering"
Host: Dr. Tang

Lisa Brosseau, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
"Do Surgical Masks Provide Respiratory Protection?"
Host: Ruth Chen

Gregory Stephanopolous, Professor, MIT
"Metabolic Engineering: Enabling Technology for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals"
Host: Dr. Dudukovic

Process Analysis and Design Presentations (ChE 478A) [Host: Dr. Carpenter]

Cox Distinguished Lecture: "An Open Platform for Robotics Research"
Dr. Steve Cousins, President and CEO of Willow Garage

Kyoung-Shin Choi, Purdue Univeristy
"Electrochemical Synthesis of Inorganic Electrodes with Controlled Micro- and Nano-Structures for Use in Clean Energy Production"
Host: Dr. Sureshkumar

EARTHDAY Dr. Saber Hussain, Sr. Scientist, Air Force Research Lab
"Toxicity Evaluation of Nanomaterials: Importance of Material Characterization"
Host: Dr. Biswas

James Carothers, University of California - Berkeley
"Designing Synthetic Riboregulators to Program Gene Expression in Engineered Metabolic Pathways"
Host: Dr. Biswas

Geoffrey Evans, University of Newcastle
"Peak Resources: When Will They Occur?"
Host: Dr. Dudukovic

Yang Zhang, Professor, North Carolina State University
"Multiscale Atmospheric Modeling: from Urban Air Pollution to Global Climate"
Host: Dr. Sureshkumar

Shuguang Deng, Faculty Recruit, New Mexico State University
"Hydrogen Storage in Porous Media”

Fall 2009

Prashant Kamat
"Solar Cells by Design. Harvesting Light Energy with Nanostructure Assemblies"

Victor McCrary
, National Organization of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineering National President will present: "Overview of Technologies at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory"

Lynden Archer, of Cornell University
"Nanoscale Organic Hybrid Materials (NOHMs)"

Symposium on Nanotechnology for Public Health, Energy & Environment
Keynote Speaker: George Whitesides, Harvard University

Kenneth F. Reardon, of Colorado State University
"Microalgal Biofuels - Big Potential, Big Challenges"
Hosted by: Professor Tang

Mark Benjamin, AEESP Lecturer
"Micro-granular adsorptive membrane filtration: A whole new world of treatment technologies?"
Hosted by: Professor Giammar

Alberto Striolo, of the University of Oklahoma
"How Does the Atomic Water Structure at Solid-Liquid Interfaces Determine Macroscopic Properties?"
Hosted by: Professor Lo

Menachem Elimelech, Professor, Yale University
"Aggregation and Bacterial Cytotoxicity of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials in Aquatic Environments"
Hosted by: Professor Jun

Mid-America Environmental Engineering Conference
Participation by 6 regional Universities
Keynote Lecture: R. Surampalli, USEPA
Kappe Lecturer: "Nanotechnology and the Environment"

The Cox Lecture I-Cares Distinguished Speaker Series
Jay Keasling, University of California Berkeley & LBNL
"Synthetic Biology for Synthetic Chemistry: From Bugs to Drugs and Fuels"

Symposium on America's Energy Future (Chaired by Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton)

Michael Wong, Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University
"The nanoparticle Approach to Cleaner Water and Cleaner Energy"

Peter Adams
, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
"Where do cloud condensation nuclei come from?

Ryan Gill
"Genome Engineering for Sustainable Biofuels"

Hai Wang
"Towards Predictive Combustion Chemistry - Uncertainty Quantification and Minimization in Complex Chemical Models"

Costas D. Maranas
"Using Computations to Reconstruct, Analyze and Redesign Metabolism"



Nathan Ravi
"Biomimetic Design of Ophthalmic Prosthesis"

Eric Williams
"Systems Assessment and Engineering of Energy Supply & Demand"


Tianfeng Lu
"Integrating Realistic Chemistry in Large-Scale Simulations: Applications in the Efficient Utilization of Biomass & Fossil Fuels"

Yangchuan Xing
"Carbon Nanotubes as PEM Fuel Cell Catalyst Support"

Ramki Kalyanaraman
"Novel Nanomaterials from Fast Laser-Induced Self-Organization: Applications to Solar Energy Harvesting & Magnetism"

Shahla Keyvan
"Energy Efficiency for Natural Gas Consumption in U.S. Industries"

Jayajit Das
"Membrane Proximal Signaling in T lymphocytes: An interplay between co-operative processes and stochastic fluctuations"

Patrick Underhill
"Dynamics of DNA & Swimming Microorganisms: Theory & Coarse-Grained Simulations"

Amy R. Sapkota
"Animal Agriculture & Antimicrobial Resistance: Do Organic Practices Make a Difference?"

Dave Allen
"The Energy Institute at the University of Texas"

Arthi Jayaraman
"A Theoretical Study of Polymer Tethered Nanoparticles: Their Assembly in Melts & Role as Novel Fillers in Polymer Nanocomposites"

Roger Lewis
Saint Louis University
School of Public Health

Michael Lefenfeld
"Entrepreneurial Ventures: From Classroom to Board Room"

John Gleaves
"Do Biocatalytic Reactors Dream of Heterogeneous Processes?"

Earthday Seminar
Lilia Abron
"Earth Day: Originated in the U.S., Lost in the U.S., Can It Be Rediscovered?"


Achariya Suriyawong
"Oxy-Coal Combustion: Submicrometer Particle Formation, Mercury Speciation, & their Capture"

Kai-Uwe Ulrich
"Molecular Structure and Stability of Uranium Immobilizing Compounds"

David A. Dzombak
"Mississippi River Water Quality & the Clean Water Act: Progress, Challenges, Opportunities"

Nate Lewis
"Where in the World Will Our Energy Come From?"

Jizhong Zhou
"Systems Microbiology: From Genomes to Ecosystems"

Michelle Scherer
"Still Oxides Run Deep: Results from an Fe Isotope Tracer Experiment"

Maosheng Yao
"Recent Efforts in Bioaerosol Sampling, Detection, Quantification as Well as Microbial Inactiviation"

Michael Solomon
"Colloids as Building Bocks: Anisotropy & its Effect on Particle Assembly"

Joyce Penner
Washington University School of Law

Ralph Cicerone
Member, Nobel Prize Winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Craig Grimes
"Rectifying p-n Junction Nanostructures for Direct Conversion of Solar Energy to Electricity or Chemical Fuels"

M. Muthukumar

Jeff Phillips
"CO2 Capture & Storage for Coal Power Plants: Status & R&D Needs"



Linda Weavers
"Sonochemical Degradation of Perfluorooctanyl Sulfonate (PFOS)"

Surita Bhatia
"Using Stereochemistry to Control Structure & Rheology: Teaching Old Biomaterials New Tricks"

Mansoo Choi
"Surface Patterning of Nanoparticles & Their Controlled Synthesis in Gas Phase "

Chris Sorensen
"Fire, Fractals & Physics"

Julia W. P. Hsu
"Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Harvesting"

Graham A. Colditz
"Your Cancer Risk: Integrating Epidemiology, Behavior Change & Risk Communication"

Mario Castro
"Addressing Asthma Care in the Community"

John Turner
"The Sustainable Hydrogen Economy"

Glenn Waychunas
"Structure & Chemistry of the Mineral-Water Interface: a Molecular View"

Nitin Baliga
"A Predictive Systems Level Model of Responses Eicited by an Organism in an Extreme Environment"

David Sedlak
"Steroid Hormones & Endocrine Disruption in Agricultural Watersheds"

Ching-Hua Huang
"Effect of Metal Species on the Transformation of Tetracycline Antibiotics"

Rohit Pappu
"Polymer Physics Principles of Protein Aggregation"

Craig Adams
"Navigating Clear Waters: Providing Sustainable Drinking Water & Sanitation Across the Globe"

Joan Rose
"Where are we going? Where have we come from? Assessing Sewage Impacts in a Coastal Environment."

Timothy S. Gardner
"Genome-Scale Mapping of Transcription & Metabolic Networks in Shewanella: Applications to Bioenergy"

Younan Xia
"Putting Nanostructures to Work for Biomedical Research"

Mark Styczynski
"Motif Discovery and Metabolomic Approaches to Problems in Biological Systems"

Michael Dodd
"Transformation of Wastewater-Borne Antibacterial Agents During Chlorination and Ozonation Processes: Kinetics, Reactions Pathways & Toxicological Consequences of Structural Modifications"

David Cwiertny
"Iron-Based Bimetallic Reductants for Treatment of Halogenated Organic Solvents"

Adel Sarofim
Ryckman Lecture
"Is There a Role for Coal in a Carbon Constrained World?

Dr. Ganesh Sriram
"Integrative Flux Analysis of Eukaryotic Metabolism: Quantifying Carbon Traffic by Isotope Labeling and Mathematical Metabolic Network Modeling"

Kimberly Henthorn
"Particle Entrainment at Different Length Scales"

Michael Strano
"The Chemistry of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Applications to Biomolecule Detection, Nanotube Separation, and Electronic Networks"

John Groopman
"The Environmental Diseases of the 22nd Century Have Already Been Initiated: Can We Affect the Burden of Disease?"

Ravi Kane
"The Design of Nanoscale Therapeutics and Nanostructured Materials"

Anurag Mehra
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Timothy S. Gardner
"Mapping of Transcription & Metabolic Networks in Shewanella: Application to Bioelectricity Generation"

Young-Shin Jun
"From Molecular Scale to the Environment: Physicochemical Controlling Processes at Environmental Water-Mineral Interfaces"

Jenny Jay
"Biogeochemistry of Mercury & Arsenic in Anoxic Environments: Implications for Mercury Methylation in Biofilms, &Mobilization of Arsenic in Groundwater in Bangladesh"

Ye Wu
"Trends in Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions in China from 1995 to 2003"


Dong Qin
"Soft Lithography: Rapid Prototyping of Patterns and Structures at Micro-& Nano-scales"

Lars Angenent
"Mixed Culture Processing to Convert Wastewater into Bioenergy"

Daniel Giammar
"Interfacial Reactions Affecting Contaminant Fate and Transport: Reactions of Uranium at the Solid-Water Interface"

Punit Jain
"Sustainable Design: Its Significance and Impact within the Environment"

Kausik Sarkar
"Microbubble Contrast Agents for Ultrasound Imaging & Drug Delivery"

Peter Borden
"Scaling Photovoltaics"

Dr. Erbschole
"Powering Today's Air Force"

Franqing Frank Chen
"Profiling Interaction Between Biological Systems and Nanomaterials"

Rudy Husar
"A Sustainable Systems Approach for Linking Energy & the Environment"

John Groopman
"From Bench to Community: Translating Mechanistic Science to Public Health Prevention"

Dan Steinmeyer
"Global Warming and Earth's Energy Balance"

Richard Flagan
"Multidimensional Nucleation from Vapor Mixtures & Polymer Solutions"

Y. Tang
"13C-Based Metabolic Flux Analysis of Environmental Microorganisms"

Jay D. Schieber
"What a Rubber Band Tells Us: Multiscale Modeling of Macromolecular Dynamics in Concentrated Environments"



Mark Wiesner
"Applications and Implications of Nanomaterials: Challenges for Environmental Engineers"

Bill Retzlaff
"G.R.E.E.N. - Green Roof Environmental Evaluation Network"

Soubir Basak
"Synthesis of Magnetic Nanomaterials: Applications in Nanomedicine"

Jeanne Van Briesen
"Statistical and Molecular Microbiological Research to Elucidate Complex Systems involving Polychlorinated Biphenyls"

Dan Luo
"Nucleic Acid Engineering: Using DNA as a Generic Instead of a Genetic Material"

Dan Zitomer
"Temperature-Phased Anaerobic Digestion"

Biplab Mukherjee
"Dispersion of Crude Oil in Saline Water"

Charles Werth
"A Pore-Scale Study of Biomass Growth Effects on Transverse Mixing Limited Reactions in Groundwater During Bioremediation"

Jingkun Jiang
"Nanoparticle Synthesis & Charging Studies"

Ye Zhuang
"Mercury and PM Issues Related to Coal Combustion Systems"

T. Prabhakar Clement
"Development & Application of Reactive Transport Models - Present Status & Future Challenges"

Dionysios (Dion) D. Dionysiou
"Advanced Oxidation Technologies & Nanotechnologies for Water Purification"

Shankar Chellam
"Bacterial Fouling of Microfiltration Membranes"

L. Thibodeaux
"Katrina/Rita Disaster-Environmental Chemistry Impacts Plus the Proximate & Historical Causes"

Peter Raven
Director, Missouri Botanical Garden

J. Fishman
"Synthesis of Satellite Data into an Integrated Global Observing Strategy for Air Quality"

Jaehun Chun
"Molecular Scale Behavior in Aerosols & Colloids"

Hae-Kwon Jeong
"Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications"


Ashok Misra
"Higher Technical Education in India & Global Transformation"

Brian Wrenn
"Laboratory Safety"

David Morse
"Dynamics of Semi-Flexible Polymers/Bio-Polymers"

Andrey V. Filippov
"Aerosol Technologies in Corning"

Nancy Ho
"Development of Recombinant Saccharomyces Yeast for Cost-Effective Cellulosic Ethanol Production"

Doug Cameron
"Fuels and Chemicals from Renewable Resources: Opportunities & Challenges"

Daniel B. Oerther
"Ecological Considerations in Bioreactor Design: Genomics, Modeling, & Theory"

Sean Raffuse
"Smoke from Wildfires – Modeling, Satellite Data, & Geospatial Analyses"

Timm Strathmann
"Developing Targeted Treatment Strategies for Wastewater-Derived Micropollutants"

Yong Joo
"Nanostructured Nanofibers: From Metal Oxide Inclusion to Confined Self-Assembly"

Beizhan Yan
"Over One Hundred Years of Energy Usage & Contamination History Reflected in Urban Waters: From the Buggy Era to the Bus Era"

Mark Macklin
"A Geomorphological Approach to the Management of Rivers Contaminated by Metal Mining"

Maria Ghirardi
"Biological Hydrogen Production: Catalysts & Processes"



John Veranth
"Research on Particulate Air Pollution at Utah"

Craig Adams
"Fate, Effects & Transport of Veterinary Antibiotics at Livestock Operations"

Sotiris Pratsinis
"Synthesis of Functional Nanoparticles in Flame Aerosol Reactors"

R.M. Clark
"Water Supply Systems Security: Development of a Research Agenda"

Kuk Cho
"Sintering Studies of Nanostructured Oxides"

Zhen Chen
"Recent Advances in Multiscale Modeling of Thin Film Growth & Delamination"

Zhiwen Yuan and Daniel Giammar
"Evaluation of Chemical Indicators of Point & Non-Point Sources of Phosphorus to Surface Waters"

Weiling Li
"Differential Mobility Analyzer Application & Development"

Eric Kettelson
"Capture & Inactivation of Viral Nanoparticles in Soft X-ray Enhanced Corona System"

R. Lee Penn
"Chemical Reactivity of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles"

Gennadiy Statyukha
"Application of Experimental Statistical Models in Process & Product Design"

Chad Roy
"The Threat of Aerosolized Agents: Infectious Disease Aerobiology" "

A. Zimmer
"Engineered & Incidental Nanoparticles: Developing Safe Work Practices"



Zhiwen Yuan
"Thermodynamic Yield Prediction and Stoichiometry for Organic Chelating Agents Degraded via Oxygenase Pathways"

H.G. Schwartz
"Environmental Engineering & Politics - Strange Bedfellows"

J. Liu
"Nanoscience Research In Catalysis: Challenges & Opportunities"

Herbert Needleman
"Effects of Early Childhood Lead Exposure"
"Bridging the Gap Between Research & Policy: Childhood Lead Poisoning as a Case Study"

Stacey Hawkey
"What Every Engineer Should Know About Pollution Prevention"

Glenn Morrison
"Indoor Air Pollution: Transport, Chemistry and Personal Exposure"

S. K. Friedlander
"Aerosol Science Engineering: The Enabling Discipline"

J. Samet
"Aerosols & Health Effects"

J. H. Seinfeld
"Aerosols & Global Climate"

Denice Shaw
"Status & Trends of Environmental Monitoring"

J. Helble
"Fine Particle Formation & Its Implications for Human Health"

John Novak
"Cations & Activated Sludge, Implications for Flocculation & Digestion"

Ken Kemner
"X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy & Microprobe Investigations of Mineral-microbe Interfaces & Biogeochemical Processes"

S. Frankel
"Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Reacting Flows: Applications from Soot to Noise"

M. M. Crow, President, Arizona State University
D. H. Marks, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M. B. McElroy, Harvard University
F. M. Orr, Jr., Stanford University
Moderator: Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton
"Educational Practices & The Environment"

R.P. Singh
"Growing Population and Its Impact on the Environment of Ganga Basin"


Zhengkai Li
"Effects of Microbial Iron-Reduction On Anaerobic Biodegradation of Vegetable Oil in Freshwater Sediments"

Gary Logsdon
KAPPE LECTURE (jointly sponsored with Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville)
"Avoiding Waterborne Disease Outbreaks by Understanding Prior Outbreaks"

Neil Deardorff
"Aerosol Climatology at Reserve, Kansas: A Rural Midwestern Site"

Ayano Niwa
"Fine Particle Emissions from Laser Printers: A Mechanistic Evaluation"

Megan Yu
"Particulate Mater Ion Concentrations at the St. Louis – Midwest Supersite: Particle-Into-Liquid Samplers (PILS) Measurements"

Y. Otani
"Electrostatic Separation of VOC by Ionization"

Bruce Rittman
"The Hydrogen-Based Membrane Biofilm Reactor for Reducing Oxidized Contaminants"

Mark Barnett
"Adsorption, Transport, & Bioavailability of Metals and Radionuclides in the Subsurface"

Souhail Al-Abed
"Electrochemical Degradation of Organic Contaminants in Water & Sediments"

Richard McClurg
"Progress in Nucleation Rate Estimation"

Charles O'Melia
2nd Annual Ryckman lecture
"Aquasols: On the Role of Secondary Minima"

Bala Ramaswami
"Using Bacteriophages to Elucidate the Sources of Phosphorus Pollution for Table Rock Lake"

Joseph Berry
"Moving from Maps to Mapped Data, Spatial Analysis & Beyond: Getting Your Arms Around Geospatial Technology"

Prakash Kumar
"Synthesis, Transport, & Aggregation of Particles in a Magnetic Field"

Marina Smallwood
"Mercury Capture in Coal Combustion Systems Using In-Situ Generated Sorbents"

Kenneth Chilton
"Economists & Environmental Engineers: Strange Bedfellows or Natural Allies"


Liyun Xie
"Examination of Exopolysaccharides in Heavy Metal-Laden Wastewater Biofilm."

James Smith
"Concerns with the Beneficial Reuse in Agriculture of Residuals from Municipal Wastewater Treatment & Animal Feeding Operations"

Bruce Rittman
"Adaptation of Anaerobic Microbial Communities to Chlorinated Aromatics"

Rui Chen
"The Effect of Flame Structure on Soot Formation in Diffusion Flames"

Ben Kumfer
"Application of Flame Design Theory to Carbon Nanotube Synthesis and Particulate Emissions from Turbulent Flames"

Roy Haught
"Overview and Future Directions of Drinking Water Research at NRMRL, USEPA"

C.Y. Wu
"Control of Heavy Metal Emissions & Leaching from the Incineration of CCA Treated Wood"

Dr. Philip Singer
"Formation & Control of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water"

Bill Arnold
"Photochemical Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment."

David Pui
"Experimental and Numerical Tools for Investigating Nanoparticles"

Rhoda Jeremiah
"A Kinetic Study of the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide in Oil- Contaminated Shoreline Sediments: Theoretical and Experimental Approach"

Prakash Kumar
"Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles & Transport Characteristics in Magnetic Fields"

R.E. Pinckert
"Environmental Research at Boeing - Preparing for the Future"

Tarek I. M. Sabry
"Review on the Existing Wastewater Treatment Plants in Egypt"

Daniel Giammar
"Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Deep Saline Aquifers: Rates and Products of Relevant Geochemical Reactions"

B.J. Browning
"Preserve the St. Francis River Project"

Cecil Lue Hing
"Challenging Environmental Regulations: Some DOs & DON’Ts: a Summary of Case Studies"

Weiling Li
"Improvement & Application of Nano-Differential Mobility Analyzer"

Albert D. Venosa
"Bioremediation of Crude Oil in Wetlands"

Carol Browner
Principal of the Albright Group

Jane Lubchenco
"Science and The Environment"

Nic Neumann
"Air Pollutant Control Technologies for Smelters"

S.P. Sukhatme
"Alternate Energy Sources: The Indian Context"

Brian Wrenn
"Laboratory Safety Procedures"

Baolin Deng
"Chromium (VI) Reduction by Hydrogen Sulfide: Kinetics, Mechanism, & Application to Site Remediation"

Perry McCarty
Inaugural Ryckman Lecture
"Precautionary Approach for Toxic Chemicals in the Environment - Experiences and Concepts in the Making"

Pramod Kulkarni
"Transport and Deposition of Particles in Electrical Fields: Role of Morphology on Deposition Kinetics"

K.S. Kim
"Plasma Reactors to Produce Monodisperse Nanoparticles and Prepare Uniform Thin Film Coatings"


Kuk Cho
"A Study of the Synthesis of Composite Photocatalytic-magnetic Particles"

Randy L. Vander Wal
"Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes & Carbon Nanofibers"

Yanhui Yang
"Studies of Ammonia Adsorption onto Fly Ash from Coal-fired Power Plants"

"Alternative Solvents & Catalysts for Cleaner Synthesis of Chemicals"

Zhen Sun
"Numerical Simulation of Multi-Component Aerosols in Flame Synthesis"

Bryan Long
"The Ozark Isoprene Experiment: A Study of Biogenic Isoprene Emissions from the Ozark Forests of Missouri"

William H. Wisbrock
"Conversion of Landfill & Digester Gas to Methanol & Liquid CO2 "

C.P. Les Grady
"What is This Thing Called Sludge?"

Meng Dawn Cheng
"Near Real-Time Measurement of Elemental Composition of Aerosol Particles"

Heta Raval
"Biodegradable Polymers"

Ben Kumfer
"Flame Synthesis of Nonoxide Nanoparticles in Microgravity"

Jay Turner
"The St. Louis - Midwest Supersite: A Characterization of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter"

Zhengkai Li
"Anaerobic Biodegradation of Lipids in Freshwater Sediment Environment"

Young Whan Kim
"Wastewater & Sludge Treatment in Busan Metropolitan City of Korea"

Robert Downer
"Investigation of Mixing Energy on the Sedimentation of Floating Vegetable Oil"

David Gustafson
"Global Water Quality Initiatives at Monsanto"

Rafael McDonald
"Morphology Determination of Ambient Aerosols"

Shaibal Mukerjee
"Recent Applications of Source Apportionment Methods & Related Needs"

Brian Wrenn
"Laboratory Safety Procedures"

Qian Qiu Zhao
"Nanotechnology in the Chemical Industry: Trends & Opportunities"

Mike Treacy
"Transmission Electron Microscopy to Determine Young's Modulus of Carbon Nanotubes"

C.J. Tsai
"Sampling & Analysis of Ambient Aerosols"

A. M. Salhotra
"The Application of Risk Assessment for Environmental Decision Making"

D. Shah
"The Use of Zeolites as Adsorbents in Environmental Clean Up Operations"

Gerald Wilemski
"Nanodroplet Aerosol Formation in Rapid Vapor Expansions"

YiYun Bo
"Air Pollutant Emissions from Stationary Sources & Their Control"

Pramod Kulkarni
"Studies in Capture & Deposition of Ultrafine Charged Particles"


Daniel Giammar
"Rates of Reactions Relevant to Uranium Mobility"

George R. Schillinger
"Operations of a Waste Water Treatment Pilot Plant for Demonstrating the Feasibility of Reducing PAC"

Roger Randolph
"An Overview of Missouri's Air Pollution Control Program"

Richard Pinckert
"Overview of Environmental Research Activities at Boeing"

Slong Yang
"Cluster Analysis for the Correlation Between Air Mass Trajectories & PM2.5 Mass Concentration in St. Louis"

Rui Chen
"The Effect of Flame Structure on Extinction & Soot-Particle Inception in Diffusion flames"

Bradley P. Smith
"New DOD Environmental Technologies & Research Opportunities"

Chul Han Kim
"Preliminary Studies on Use of Embedded Coronas for Activating Titanium Dioxide"

Robert Downer
"Anaerobic Bioremediation of Vegetable Oil Spills in Freshwater Systems"

Elmer L. Boehm
"Environmental Engineering from the Perspective of the Corporate World"

Prakash Kumar
"Magnetic Fields for Trapping Particles in Combustor Exhausts"

L. A. Abron
"Sustainable Energy Technologies & Greenhouse Gas Emissions"

Joel Burken
"Uptake & Fate of VOCs in Phytoremediation Systems"

Naoki Kagi
"Modeling of Emission Mechanisms of VOCs from Building Materials"

Weijang Sun
"Filtration Characteristics Under Liquid-coated Particle Loading"

Mr. Inagki
"Analysis of Vapor Absorption by Liquid Additives in Cigarette Filters"

Laurel Morgan
"Dam Overtopping: Perspectives in Dam Safety Engineering"

Glen T. Daigger
"Modeling Biological Processes: Evolving Applications"

Peter Franzen
"The EnvironMentors Project in St. Louis"

Pramod Kulkarni
"Enhancement of ESP Capture Efficiencies With Soft X-Ray Irradiation"

Megan Yu
"Fundamental of Particle Into Liquid Sampler"

Vernon L. Snoeyink
"Adsorption of Trace Organic Compounds from Drinking Water Supplies"

Prakash Kumar
"Transport Characteristics of Particles in Magnetic Fields"

Dr. O. Levenspiel
"Making Friends with Chemical Reactors"

Demian Wincelle
"Clay-Oil Interactions for the Anaerobic Bioremediation of Vegetable Oil Spills"


Garima Bhatia
"Wood Pyrolysis Studies"

Pramod Kulkarni
"Electrical Fields for Capture of Waterborne Particles"

Brian Wrenn
"Nutrient Effects on Oil Biodegradation in Continuous-Flow Beach Microcosms"

Zhengkai Li
"Anaerobic Bioremediation of Vegetable Oil Spills"

Pratim Biswas
"The Wonder World of Aerosols: from Nanoparticles to Astronomical Stars & Planets"

Neil Deardorff
"Pyrolysis of Wood Chips"

Yasumasa Takao
"A Particulate-System Technology for Material-Property Improvement For Thick Film (Gas Sensors) & Particle-Filled Epoxy-Resin Composites (LSI devices)"

Zhen Sun
"Microcontamination in Rotating Disk CVD Reactors"